In 2014, Christopher and Sheila Walls, along with their three children, accepted the call to start a church...a ministry that would bring LIFE to the Collin County, Texas area and beyond. Equipped with passion, love for God and His people, and years of ministry experience, the Walls, along with a few others who believed in the vision, launched the first worship experience for Life Community Church - Collin County on October 5, 2014.
— We believe the Bible is the infallible, inspired word of God.
— We believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
— We believe that He ascended on high and sent His spirit which was poured out in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago, and it is the same Spirit that is filling the hearts of those who diligently seek Him today.
— We believe in water baptism in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ as the outward expression of burying the old man, walking in the new.
— We believe in, and live in expectation of, the glorious return of Jesus Christ.
— We believe in one God who is Maker of all creation; the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present, eternal Father; the source of all goodness, truth, and love; who has manifested himself in his Son, Jesus Christ, for the purpose of redemption and as the Holy Ghost for the purpose of intervening in the lives of people.
— We believe every believer should be in a growing relationship with Jesus by obeying God’s Word, yielding to the Holy Spirit and by being conformed to the image of Christ.